
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2017


 I don't have really a favorite object, but i do like my ukelele, i got it last christmas and i was so happy about it ,  'cause it was what i asked for. and i have been playing it, practically, every day since then. I used to play the guitar too, i mean, i still playing it, but now, not as much as my ukelele. My point is that it was not hard to learn to play it, guitar is much complicate to learn. I don't have a clear idea of what i like it, i think is because of the happy sound that it makes, and 'cause is easy to transport, is tiny and comfortable. Life without my beautiful intrument, i think, it could be boring, because like i use it a lot, without it, my days will be longer and noiseless. I belive we need music in our own lifes, music have the power to create emotions in ourselfs, Like a musical, been on a musical must to be so awesome!... I'll like to play the piano and the drums too, some day i will learn, i have the rhythm and the desire to do it.

blog post Nº2 OPINIONS.

What is your opinion about violence on television?  i think  this medium in not showing as all the information. I mean there be always and other side of the coin. i don't think that we have to say "look what that guy is doing" without ask first "why". after all, violence respond to violence. And, i think TV is trying to control us, with this "violence" that is showing, makeing us to be fear, because i wonder who many of you, has been robed or sufred some type of abuse in period of time?.   What is your opinion about soap operas on Chilean TV?  the last ones that came out are almays the same, same structure, same persons, and at leats for me, there are all about the rich man that fall for the poor women and vice versa or the teenages that like the same guy/girl at their school, bla bla bla. although, i notthe person to talk  abuot this, 'cause i haven't seen non of them.  What is your opinion about recycling? is "good" for t...
blog POST Nº1- (about myself) autobiography To start i was born on december 5, 1997 in Melipilla City, at the San Jose Hospital. And since then, i have been always surrounded by animals, i mean, i was growned on a farm. So thats what i think that i'm studying veterinary now, but thats for later.  I  have a mom and a dad and i'm the only dauther, have no brothers and sisters. i'm not regret for not having one though. i like the way i'm, and maybe with one, i might have tun out different. i only went to one school, calls Cristobal Colon. Don't remember myself doing studip things at it, i'm quite polite... well i do remember some stuff, but i  really don't want to talk about it. It doesn't worth it.  i went to preuniversitario twice, the firt one was at Pedro de Valdivia, and the second i studied at Cpech, which i like the most, made friend over there, i think thats the important, right?. and, the ambient was better too. i take myself a sabbatical ...